Friday, October 16, 2009

Ventura County Trustee sales for Mid-October 2009

Here is the mid-October 2009 trustee sale update for Ventura County. Currently sales are running on a pace of about 315-320 sales for the whole month which would be the highest monthly sales since June. I don't think the sale pace of the second half of the month will match the first due to the fact that the number of trustee sales scheduled for the rest of October is lighter than it was for the first half. I think sales will probably come in around 280, or marginally higher than the previous few months pace. While there hasn't been any rumblings of a holiday moratorium I am expecting at least the GSEs to institute one, but that is supposition on my part. If we do see a moratorium it should last from the last week of November through the beginning of January. This wouldn't mean no sales, just a reduced pace.

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